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More Information for Recyclers

More Informations for Recyclers

The European Union's Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, (2002/96/EC) Article 11, requests producers to provide information to facilitate the reuse and treatment of WEEE.

The following symbol designates products covered by the EU WEEE directive in the European Union. For details on the meaning of this symbol in multiple languages please click here.

In October 2005, EICTA, CERED, AeA Europe and EERA released a Joint Position Guidance on implementation of Article 11. Motorola Solutions has adopted this Joint Guidance format to provide information to recyclers: Industry Joint Position Paper Guidance WEEE Article 11

Product Recycling
The WEEE Directive, (2002/96/EC), Annex II describes selective treatment for materials and components. On November 3, 2005 the guidance document working group for Annex II, provided guidance of the intent of the selective treatment specific to products and applications. Motorola Solutions supports this process and has provided data in accordance with the guidance.

WEEE Annex II Guidance

Product Information
The following document provide information for treatment facilities in the Joint Guidance format for families of products.

Professional (business) Equipment
Motorola Solutions has a pan-European take-back and recycling program for all our professional equipment that is managed by our recycling partner.

If you are a recycling organization and have questions about Motorola Solutions' recycling efforts and our treatment of products, please contact us at