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Cyber Security Online Terms Acknowledgement

This Cyber Security Online Terms Acknowledgement (this “Acknowledgement”) is entered into between Motorola Solutions, Inc. (“Motorola”) and the entity set forth in the signature block below (“Customer”).

1Applicability and Self Deletion.  This Cyber Security Online Terms Acknowledgement applies to the extent cyber security products and services, including Security Update Service and Security Managed Detection & Response subscription services are purchased by or otherwise provided to Customer, including though bundled or integrated offerings or otherwise. NOTE: This Acknowledgement is self deleting if not applicable under this Section 1.

2. Online Terms Acknowledgement.  The Parties acknowledge and agree that the terms of the Cyber Subscription Services Addendum (MSI System Renewals and Integrations) available at [website link] are incorporated in and form part of the Parties’ agreement as it relates to any cyber security products or services sold or provided to Customer. By signing the signature block below, Customer certifies that it has read and agrees to the provisions set forth and linked on-line in this Acknowledgement. To the extent Customer is unable to access the above referenced online terms for any reason, Customer mayl request a paper copy from Motorola. The signatory to this Acknowledgement represents and warrants that he or she has the requisite authority to bind Customer to this Acknowledgement and referenced online terms.

3. Entire Agreement. This Acknowledgement supplements any and all applicable and existing agreements, and supersedes any contrary terms as it relates Customer’s purchase of cyber security products and services. This Acknowledgement and referenced terms  constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties regarding the subject matter hereof and as set out in the referenced terms, and supersedes all previous agreements, proposals, and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to this subject matter.

4. Execution and Amendments. This Acknowledgement may be executed in multiple counterparts, and will have the same legal force and effect as if the Parties had executed it as a single document. The Parties may sign in writing or by electronic signature. An electronic signature, facsimile copy, or computer image of a signature, will be treated, and will have the same effect as an original signature, and will have the same effect, as an original signed copy of this document. This Acknowledgement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument signed by authorized representatives of both Parties.

The Parties hereby enter into this Acknowledgement as of the last signature date below.

             Motorola Solutions, Inc.                              Customer: [___________]

By: ______________________________     By: ______________________________

Name: ___________________________     Name: ____________________________

Title: ____________________________      Title: _____________________________

Date: ____________________________     Date: ____________________________