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Push-to-talk where and when you need it

Keep public safety teams connected, informed and safe with WAVE PTX, a broadband push-to-talk (PTT) solution tailored to the needs of mission-critical users.

WAVE PTX for Public Safety

WAVE PTX is a carrier-independent broadband PTT service that provides the MCPTT-based emergency calling, remote monitoring, ambient listening and other features necessary to keep public safety users connected, informed and safe.

Mass-notifications icon for Get help when needed

Get help when needed

Press a hard or soft dedicated button to initiate an emergency call, with the highest priority, to reach the right resource for assistance.

Share icon for Share information

Share the Information

Eliminate communication barriers and improve information sharing even when personnel are out of radio coverage or off duty.

Video icon for Push multimedia

Increase communication clarity

Push multimedia to individuals or groups to decrease ambiguity, reduce time to communicate and enable more efficient responses.

WAVE PTX mobile application

Turn a smartphone or tablet into a PTT handset, getting the speed and simplicity of push-to-talk communication along with the ability to share multimedia information at the touch of a button.

PTT communications

Instantly communicate with groups or individuals or use broadcast calling to quickly communicate with large groups.

Multimedia communication

Push messages with text, photo, video or file attachments to share details with individuals or groups.

Location mapping and tracking

Access map to check locations, tap a map icon to initiate a PTT call or setup a geofence to track location activity.

WAVE PTX SafeGuard package

Add the SafeGuard package to your existing WAVE PTX mobile or dispatch applications to gain MCPTT features that help enhance user safety, improve situational awareness and increase operational efficiency.

warning icon for eme

Emergency calling and alerting

With the push of a button, users can initiate an emergency call to reach the right resource for assistance.

battery icon for rem

Remote user check

Allows supervisors to monitor the health of a user’s device, including battery level, signal strength, and location.

headphones icon for

Ambient listening

Dispatchers and authorized users can check a team member’s well-being by remotely opening their device’s microphone.

people icon for disc

Discreet listening

Permit dispatchers and supervisors to monitor PTT calls between a targeted user and other callers.

on icon for enable/d

User enable/disable

Allow supervisors to remotely enable or disable the PTT application on specific devices.

location history ico

Dynamic location-based talkgroup

Dispatchers can set up talkgroups to add/remove members as they enter or leave a defined geographic area.

Emergency declared

Experience how WAVE PTX keeps public safety users connected, informed and safe.


WAVE PTX Dispatch

Effectively manage dispatch operations from anywhere with Internet access, whether you need to coordinate an on-site team or support a work-from-home environment.

Talkgroup scanning

Automatically scan configured list of groups for active calls.

Multimedia communication

Share details with an individual or group via text, photo and video or file attachment.

Location mapping and tracking

Track group members on a map and efficiently dispatch based on real-time location.

WAVE PTX SafeGuard Multi-Role

Optional MCPTT-compliant features allow the WAVE PTX mobile and dispatch applications to easily adapt and stay in sync with users’ changing roles and responsibilities.


Simultaneous audio sessions

Dispatchers have the flexibility to listen to voice activity and control audio assignments on multiple groups simultaneously.

form icon for user p

User profiles

Users can easily switch between various profiles, making it easy to connect to the right talkgroups for the work they're doing that day.

target icon for talk

Talkgroup affiliation

Users and dispatchers can target a specific talkgroup for all PTT communications to never miss a call.

select arrows icon f

Remote talkgroup select

Allow dispatchers to remotely change a user's talkgroup affiliation.

eye icon for affilia

Affiliation monitoring

Dispatchers can identify and track users affiliated with a specific talkgroup so they always know the right group to use.

multiple group icon

User role-based login

Users can select their role and associated contacts, talkgroups and permissions when logging on to the WAVE PTT mobile app.

User Role Selection

Critical Connect for seamless interoperability with ASTRO 25

WAVE PTX streaming video

Optional feature for the WAVE PTX mobile or dispatch applications that allows users to stream live video at the push of a button to individuals, groups or dispatchers to enhance their understanding of the situation with a real-time view of events as they happen.

Push live video

Users can stream live video of events and incidents as they happen to improve clarity and enhance situational awareness.

Pull video

Dispatchers can request live video from another user to provide context to events taking place in the field.

Simultaneous PTT calls

Users streaming video or receiving video can still participate in PTT calls, switching between them as needed.

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