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Please find a link to the current Motorola Solutions' Anti-Human Trafficking Statement at the top of the list below. This statement is published in the current year for the prior calendar year.

Statements for previous years can also be found in PDF format in the list below:


Motorola Solutions has continued to take steps during this financial year to identify the risks of forced and bonded labor including; debt bondage, indentured labor, prison labor, slavery and human trafficking taking place in our supply chain and our business, pursuant to Section 3 of the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 and the United Kingdom (UK) Modern Slavery Act of 2015, Chapter 30, Part 6, Provision 54.  Our suppliers are required to conform to the Motorola Solutions Supplier Code of Conduct (Supplier Code) and Anti-Human Trafficking Compliance Plan, through which we partner with them to source materials responsibly and to guard against the use of indebted labor and human trafficking.

As a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), a non-profit coalition of electronics companies committed to supporting the rights and well-being of workers and communities engaged in the global electronics supply chain, we also demonstrate our commitment to environmental and social responsibility.  As an RBA member, Motorola Solutions publicly commits to the RBA Code of Conduct  (RBA Code) and actively pursues conformance to the Code and its standards as a total supply chain initiative.

The steps Motorola Solutions takes to conform to these codes include:

1.      Verification:  We evaluate and address risks of indebted labor and human trafficking through conformance to our Supplier Code, which states, among other standards, that: “Supplier will not use forced, slave, prison or indentured labor, including debt bondage” and with similar conditions in the RBA Code.  We pursue conformance through use of the RBA’s Maplecroft Risk Assessment Tool, the RBA-ON Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire, independent, third-party audits and the RBA Validated Audit Process (VAP), as well as through our internal procurement process and the Browz program for indirect or field service suppliers.

a.      The Maplecroft Risk Assessment Tool is a third-party service that evaluates risks with respect to the RBA Code by inherent risk, section and location.

b.      The RBA-ON Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) is a self-evaluation tool that inquires about demographics and existing policies at both the corporate and facility level compared against all sections of the RBA Code.

c.      Independent, third-party audits are conducted by RBA-approved auditors specifically trained in social and environmental auditing and the RBA audit protocol.  Validated Assessment Process (VAP) audits are performed on RBA member facilities and their suppliers’ facilities and are also completed by independent, third-party auditors trained in the VAP audit protocol.  Use of the RBA and VAP protocols helps to set consistent, industry-wide expectations for Code conformance.

We conduct these activities regularly and across our supply chain, targeting the top 82% of spend in our supply chain for evaluation at least every two years, and focusing audits on suppliers that are evaluated as higher risk through these tools or reports of issues through our EthicsLine or other reporting channels.  We report on our supply chain monitoring and training efforts annually in our Corporate Responsibility Report.  We also actively participate in regular RBA and other industry group workgroups, task forces, teleconferences, webinars, and meetings to help us to better understand and monitor risks associated with labor recruitment practices.

  1.  Supplier Audits:  We conduct independent, third party audits on our high risk suppliers or obtain VAP audit reports through RBA’s audit sharing system.  The RBA/VAP protocol assesses suppliers against the entire RBA Code including: Labor, Health and Safety, Environment, Ethics, and Management Systems.  It includes components such as on-site inspections, document reviews, as well as worker and management interviews.
  2. Certification: The RBA Code includes a clause stating that companies should have a management system that contains a process to communicate the Code requirements and to monitor supplier compliance to the Code.   As well as being publically available to our suppliers on the Motorola Solutions website, our Supplier Code is included in contracts, agreements and standard terms and conditions of purchase orders with our suppliers and compliance with it is a pre-condition for doing business with Motorola Solutions.  We also regularly conduct training for our suppliers on Code conformance.
  3. Internal Accountability: Non-compliance with code provisions on slavery and human trafficking is taken very seriously.  It is considered one of the most severe types of nonconformance, and corrective action plans to remedy any identified issues of nonconformance are expected to be implemented in the shortest possible timeframe and verified by RBA-certified third party auditors.  We work closely with our procurement professionals and our suppliers to help them to understand how to identify these issues, how to address them and how to institute management systems to prevent future issues.  Failure of a supplier to remedy nonconformance could ultimately lead to suspension or termination of our relationship with the nonresponsive supplier.
  4. Capacity Building/Training:  We regularly provide awareness training for our procurement professionals on expectations regarding Code conformance.  We also partner with other RBA members to provide supplier training in a classroom setting and utilize RBA’s Learning Academy online modules to offer training on the RBA Code as well as the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act. Through RBA, we can also offer training modules on hiring, human trafficking, wages, subcontracting labor and other topics relevant to these issues.  Modules can be accessed by both internal staff and by suppliers and learning can be tracked.  We can also upload our own learning content to the RBA system for use by our internal teams.

Ensuring conformance to our Supplier Code and the RBA Code is a fundamental part of our efforts to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our business or in our supply chain.

This disclosure describes the efforts Motorola Solutions has taken in our own business, as well as with our suppliers, to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from our supply chain.  These efforts, as well as this disclosure, are reviewed and approved annually by our Board of Directors and updated publicly.