Safer Schools
Overseeing widespread and diverse areas of your campus can be a challenge, but our safety and security ecosystem enables learners to grow and thrive.
Explore the school
From initial incident detection to final response, explore how we protect the most precious people - students, teachers and staff - across your campus.
Active assailant
Access control breach recognized
An individual forcefully enters a secure side entrance of the school and predetermined individuals automatically receive an alert on their device of choice or command center.
Detection technology
Avigilon H5M Outdoor Dome Cameras
Avigilon Unity Access
- Door alarm
- Automated alerting
Active assailant
Situational intelligence gathered
Nearby camera feeds are populated alongside real time GPS locations of security resources.
Analytics technology
Avigilon H5A Cameras
Avigilon Unity Video
CC Aware Enterprise
- Resource location mapping
Active assailant
Notification communicated
Emergency communication sent to lock-down school. School security officers receive image and live location information of the individual.
Communication technology
Radio Communications
- Voice & multimedia
- Multimedia sharing
- Broadband push-to-talk
AVTEC Scout Dispatch Console
Active assailant
Resources dispatched
The doorways of the school are secured to contain the intruder and public safety is directly engaged for immediate first response with video and image intelligence.
Response technology
Critical Connect
- Dynamic interoperability
Ally Incident Management
- Incident documentation
Avigilon Unity Access
- Emergency response
Perimeter breach
License plate recognized
Suspended student's license plate detected entering school grounds and school security automatically receives an alert on their device of choice and in the command center.
Detection technology
Avigilon H5A Cameras
Avigilon Unity Video
- Watch list
- Focus of attention
- Automated alerting
Avigilon Unity Video
- License plate recognition
- Watch list
Perimeter breach
Appearance detected
From a watch list of known individuals, the intruder is automatically detected approaching the school. Security automatically receives notification every time the intruder comes into view of a camera.
Analytics technology
Avigilon H5A cameras
Perimeter breach
Notification communicated
Alert dispatched to staff across radios and smartphones to lock-down school and security officers are dispatched to intercept the individual with images and real time location updates.
Communication technology
Radio Communications
- Voice & multimedia
- Multimedia sharing
- Broadband push-to-talk
AVTEC Scout Dispatch Console
Perimeter breach
First response dispatched
Local police directly informed with video for immediate first response and incident documented with prepopulated fields.
Response technology
Ally Incident Management
- Incident documentation
Critical connect
- Dynamic interoperability
Vape detection
Vapor detected
The HALO Smart Sensor placed in a restroom detects the presence of vaping and automatically sends an alert directly to appropriate staff on the device of their choice and to the security office.
Detection technology
HALO Smart Sensor
- Automated alerting
Vape detection
Nearby cameras populated
Cameras outside of the restroom are populated and recorded footage is reviewed to get visual confirmation of the students.
Analytics technology
Avigilon H5A Cameras
Avigilon Unity Video
Vape detection
Resources dispatched
Security officers or school staff are dispatched to the restroom and wait outside to confront the students.
Communication technology
Radio Communications
- Voice & multimedia
- Multimedia sharing
- Broadband push-to-talk
AVTEC Scout Dispatch Console
Vape detection
Incident recorded
School staff document the incident with relevant data for future review or investigation.
Response technology
Ally Incident Management
- Incident documentation