36 Steacie Drive, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 2A9
Tallysman develops and manufactures global positioning components and intelligent location-based wireless infrastructure solutions.
Mission Statement
Tallysman® is deeply committed to designing and manufacturing high function, high quality global positioning components and location based infrastructure solutions at competitive prices.
Company Information
Tallysman® is a developer, provider, and manufacturer of global positioning components and intelligent location based wireless infrastructure solutions for tracking systems.
Based in Ottawa Canada, Tallysman is focused on high function, high performance technology and solutions. Our core competencies include digital wireless networks, RF and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) component design.
Tallysman is deeply committed to designing and manufacturing high function, high quality global positioning components and location based infrastructure solutions at competitive prices.
Pre-Sales Contact:
John Seymour
8:30 am to 5:30 pm EST
T: 613 591 3131 ex 103
F: 613 591 3121
E: john.seymour@tallysman.com
W: www.tallysman.com
Sales Contact:
T: 613 591 3131
M: 613 858 7646
F: 613 591 3121
E: sales@tallysman.com
W: www.tallysman.com
Service / After-Sales:
David Powell
9:00 am to 6:00 pm EST
English, Italian, French
T: 613 591 3131 ex 108
F: 613 591 3121
E: david.powell@tallysman.com
W: www.tallysman.com