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Collaborative Intelligence: Humans + AI

We augment human decision-making and intelligently automate workflows with comprehensive data-driven insights powered by artificial intelligence.

Today’s public-safety challenges demand latest technology

Old, manual processes are no match for the volume of data agencies deal with today. AI can help transcribe 9-1-1 calls, provide knowledge-on-the-go, and focus on what matters most.


9-1-1 calls received
each year


Incident reports created annually in a major city


Body-worn video captured annually in a major city

Discover how AI can accelerate your workflow.

Principles of responsible AI

Motorola Solutions is driven to the growth of AI, driven by the ethical principles that put people first. We are optimistic about the incredible future for AI-assisted technologies that will further empower people, widely benefit current and future generations, and work for the common good.


We take planned steps to eliminate the effect of unfair biases both in how we build our systems, and how our users interact with information from our systems.


We enable users and organizations to answer to their stakeholders for the decisions made and actions taken when utilizing AI systems.


We ensure that the intended use of the technology, the information provided by the AI systems, and the decisions users make, can be inspected and communicated.


We believe in privacy, and take all steps to prevent misuse of data. We apply firm governance protocols to data stored, produced, or utilized in our solutions.


We ensure that the assistive information provided by AI systems is meaningful and interpretable, and the role of humans as the ultimate decision-maker is clear.


We apply rigorous deployment and monitoring methods to ensure our AI solutions capabilities work dependably in any mission-critical situations.

Technology, just for the sake of technology, is no good. But something that actually enhances our work and helps us out in the field, and makes it safer for us to work is always welcome
and a good thing to have.

David Westlake

Mobile Systems Manager - Spokane County Sheriff’s Office


Public Safety Benefits of Responsible AI

Use cases, philosophy of AI at Motorola Solutions

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Principles and Practices for Responsible AI

Detailed look at our AI philosophy and guiding principles

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Applying AI for Public Safety

MSI technology leaders talk about using AI in public safety

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