Latest Law Enforcement Grant Programs
Explore the latest in open law enforcement and police grant programs and free resources to help you submit the most competitive grant application, today.
Implement your body-worn camera program with grant funding.
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Free grant assistance for police radio funding.
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Grant funding guide
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PoliceGrantsHelp grant assistance program offers agencies free grant support.
Recent Grants
FY24 FEMA Preparedness Grants
$1.8B in grant funding available for emergency preparedness. Apply by June 24, 2024.
FY24 State Homeland Security Grant
$374M to prevent, prepare for, protect against, and respond to acts of terrorism.
FY24 Tribal Homeland Security Grant
$13.5M to enable tribes to strengthen their capacity to prevent, protect against, and recover from hazards.
FY24 Urban Areas Security Initiative
$554M to build and deliver the capabilities necessary to prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism.