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Body worn cameras are wearable camera devices that integrate with fixed video security systems to provide security or law enforcement operators with audio, video or photographic evidence from the perspective of the person wearing the camera.

This enables complete situational awareness in real time meaning that escalating situations can be responded to immediately helping staff in public-facing roles to feel safe.

What Are Body-Worn Cameras?

What are body cameras used for?

Body worn cameras are commonly used by Law enforcement officers, healthcare workers and others in public facing roles in order to capture video, process evidence and to share intelligence with other members of the team to create greater situational awareness.

Body worn cameras improve the safety and accountability of front line teams by delivering valuable insights from the wearer's perspective and footage can also be used as tamper-proof evidence that is admissible in court.

What are police body worn cameras?

Police body worn cameras are lightweight, durable and wearable camera devices that are used by Front Line Police Officers while they are working in the field.

Police body worn cameras integrate with fixed video security systems and provide audio, video or photographic evidence from the perspective of the Officer on duty.

This enables complete situational awareness in real time meaning that escalating situations can be responded to immediately before anyone gets hurt.

Law enforcement officers further rely on the indisputable, non-bias evidence that body cameras provide to protect their livelihood and build trust with those they protect and serve.

Do police body cameras have audio?

Whether or not Police body worn cameras have audio is dependent upon the Police force itself.

The Motorola Solutions VT100 and VB400 body worn cameras have audio capability however it is up to the Police force themselves to decide if they want to use audio as part of their body worn capabilities.

Can body cameras be used as evidence?

Video, audio and photographic footage captured via body worn cameras can be used as evidence in arrests or prosecutions.

Footage from a body worn camera shows valuable insights from the perspective of the wearer that can be used as indisputable evidence. This may help to corroborate or disprove the facts of a case in a court of law.

Are police body cameras admissible in court?

Video, audio and photographic footage captured via body worn cameras can be used as evidence in arrests or prosecutions.

Footage from a body worn camera shows valuable insights from the perspective of the wearer that can be used as indisputable evidence. This may help to corroborate or disprove the facts of a case in a court of law.

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