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Estamos orgullosos do legado de companheirismo e do lugar que ganham na história das indústrias da comunicação e da eletrónica.

Explore a evolução da marca Motorola e passe sobre a inovação que o tráfego avança tecnológicos a nuestra compañía y al mundo. Desde as rádios para automóveis mais antiguas até os dispositivos de comunicação de maior alcance, os convites são para celebrar o passado, presente e futuro da Motorola.

History Features

From the Archives: First Sales Account Ledger

A peek into the original Motorola sales account ledger reveals the company’s first customers and products.

Motorola Solutions Heritage Story

Watch a video with archival footage that tells how Motorola Solutions grew from a 1928 Chicago startup into a global mission-critical and commercial solutions provider.

Where We've Been

View a timeline covering our development as a company from the Galvin brothers' first achievements to our latest innovations.

Explore Motorola Heritage

Read the stories behind some of our early innovations.

News Releases from the Past

Get the facts on Motorola’s role in communications from the moon, the earliest portable phones available for public use, the introduction of ASTRO digital technology and more.