European Space Agency Business Park, Huygensstraat 44, NL2201 DK Noordwijk
We build control rooms.
Mission Statement
EATOPS is a firm made of software automation engineers. We provide you process and control department with the state of the art technologies to remote control your factory from a control room dashboard.
Company Information
The company is based in Amsterdam, Paris and Oslo. We commute world-wide to support your control room. EATOPS has been involved in Spaceflight control room, submarines (miniROVs) and large drilling or floating production vessels such as FLNG or FPSO.
The team is focussed on delivery high-end software solution for remote control system using industrial process controllers (PLC) and OPCUA as an interface for Safety Automation Systems.
Pre-Sales Contact:
Alexandre Van Damme GMT+1
English, Norwegian
T: 31643804915
W: https://www.omts.datamatik.no/
Sales Contact:
English, Norwegian
E: sales@eatops.com
Service / After-Sales:
English, Norwegian
E: support@eatops.com
W: www.omts.datamatik.no